Results for 'David B. South'

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  1.  23
    Personal Values & Professional Ethics.Kenneth Kipnis & David B. South - 2000 - Journal of Forestry 98 (7):11-14.
    The Society of American Foresters has, proposed another revision of the Society's Code of Ethics. Changing a profession's code of conduct might cause considerable controversy. Some will support the current wording and oppose change, and others will see great merit in the new wording. Regardless, what we need is a code that articulates the core professional values of all foresters. A first step, then, is distinguishing our personal values from the core values of forestry.
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    In Memory of P. F. Strawson (1919–2006).David B. Martens - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):163-166.
    This note introduces papers presented at a 2007 conference in memory of Peter Strawson and published in this issue.
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  3. Problems of, and Prospects for, Comparing the Two Irelands.David B. Rottman - 1999 - In Rottman David B., Ireland North and South: Perspectives from Social Science. pp. 1-33.
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  4. Ireland North and South: Perspectives from Social Science.B. Rottman David - 1999
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    “Yielding ground to none”: Normative perspectives on African philosophy and its curricula.David B. Martens - 2016 - South African Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):383-400.
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    Knowledge and True Belief in Early Analytic Philosophy.David B. Martens - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):576-599.
    I argue that the sufficiency of true belief for knowledge was accepted by some principal figures in the early history of analytic philosophy, including Russell, Schlick, McTaggart, and Moore, among others.
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    South Asian Languages Analysis, Vol. I.David W. McAlpin & Braj B. Kachru - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (4):678.
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    New Dictionary of Theology.Sinclair B. Ferguson, J. I. Packer & David F. Wright (eds.) - 1988 - IVP Academic.
    An Eternity 1988 Book of the Year! Since its publication, the New Dictionary of Theology has rapidly established itself as a standard, authoritative reference work in systematic and historical theology. More than 630 articles cover a variety of theological themes, thinkers and movements: from creation to the millennium from Abelard to Zwingli from Third World liberation theology to South African Dutch Reformed theology Firmly anchored in the evangelical tradition, the NDOT is nevertheless wide-ranging in its scope. Over 200 contributors, (...)
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    Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations into Christian Ethics. By Stanley Hauerwas (with Richard Bondi and David B. Burrell). South Bend, Ind.: Notre Dame Press, 1977. Pp. 251. $12.95 (cloth); $4.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Terry Pinkard - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (3):262-264.
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    Hume's A Letter from a Gentleman, A Review Note.David Fate Norton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 161 2) You wish him to become what he is not, and no longer to be what he is now (literally: what he is now, no longer to be [283d 2-3]). 3) You wish for his death, since you wish him no longer to be (283d 5-6). The obvious way of dealing with this argument is to make precisely the distinction made by the author of (...)
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  11. Towards a Philosophy of Cosmic Life: New Discussions and Interdisciplinary Views.David Bartosch, Attila Grandpierre & Bei Peng (eds.) - 2023 - Singapore: Springer Nature.
    [186 pages] Just as the six branches of a snow crystal converge in regular proportions toward their common center, the six contributions to this book point toward a future philosophy of cosmic life. In this sense, this edited volume represents a multidisciplinary and transcultural polylogue of distinguished authors from three continents, which aims to establish highly innovative perspectives and open new frontiers of developing philosophical reflections and scientific foundations for the emergence of a common cosmic consciousness, for an integral ecology, (...)
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    David B. Zilberman: Selected Essays.David B. Zilberman - 2023 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. Edited by G. L. Pandit.
    This book is a selection of articles by David Zilberman, a prolific author, whose tragic untimely death did not allow to finish many of his undertakings. Zilberman’s work represents a fresh word in the way of philosophizing or philosophy-building and the technique of modal methodology. This book comprises of thirteen independent articles that are not related by content. The point of thematic convergence of these articles is the way they reflect the new way of methodological thinking through the application (...)
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    Stories in Stone vol. 1.David B. Williams - 2019 - University of Washington Press.
    Most people do not think to observe geology from the sidewalks of a major city, but all David B. Williams has to do is look at building stone in any urban center to find a range of rocks equal to any assembled by plate tectonics. In Stories in Stone, he takes you on explorations to find 3.5-billion-year-old rock that looks like swirled pink-and-black taffy, a gas station made of petrified wood, and a Florida fort that has withstood three hundred (...)
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    Stations on the journey of inquiry: formative writings of David B. Burrell, 1962-72.David B. Burrell - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Mary Budde Ragan, John Milbank, Stanley Hauerwas & Stephen Mulhall.
    In this collection, Stations on the Journey of Inquiry, David Burrell launches a revolutionary reinterpretation of how any inquiry proceeds, boldly critiquing presumptuous theories of knowledge, language, and ethics. While his later publications, Analogy and Philosophical Language (1973) and Aquinas: God and Action (1979), elucidate Aquinas's linguistic theology, these early writings show what often escapes articulation: how one comes to understanding and "takes" a judgment. Although Aquinas serves as an axial figure for Burrell's expansive corpus of scholarship spanning more (...)
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  15. Topics in the Foundations of General Relativity and Newtonian Gravitation Theory.David B. Malament - 2012 - Chicago: Chicago University Press.
    1.1 Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Tangent Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (...)
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  16.  28
    An Abstract Analysis of Ethical Dilemmas.David B. Resnick - 2009 - Metascience 18 (3):417-420.
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    Scientific Realism and the Patent System.David B. Resnik - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):69-77.
    The patent system appears to make three ontological assumptions often associated with scientific realism: there is a natural world that is independent of human knowledge and technology; invented products can be unobservable things; and invented products have causal powers. Although a straightforward reading of patent laws implies these ontological commitments, it is not at all clear that what the patent system has to say about the world has any bearing on issues of scientific realism. While realists might embrace the patent (...)
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    Do scientific aims justify methodological rules?David B. Resnik - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (2):223 - 232.
    According to a popular view of scientific methodology, scientific methods are prescriptive rules (methodological rules) which are justified in so far as they realize or promote the aims of science. This paper considers several different interpretations of the phrase aims of science, arguing that none of these interpretations allow aims to provide a satisfactory justification of methodological rules.
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    Essays in the philosophy and history of science.David B. Levy - 2020 - [New York?]: [David B. Levy].
    Essays on the History and Philosophy of Science by David B. Levy.
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    1. Hiding the World in the World: A Case for Cosmopolitanism Based in the Zhuangzi.David B. Wong & Marion Hourdequin - 2019 - In Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames, Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 15-33.
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    Analogy and philosophical language.David B. Burrell - 1973 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
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    Between Jerusalem and Athens: Israeli Theatre and the Classical Tradition by Nurit Yaari.David B. Levy - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (1):109-110.
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  23.  18
    Naming and Reference: the Link of Word to Object.David B. Martens - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):389-391.
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  24. Relational and autonomous selves.David B. Wong - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):419–432.
  25. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  26.  52
    Brain mechanisms for offense, defense, and submission.David B. Adams - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):201-213.
  27. Roman Tailors and Clothiers.David B. Kaufman - 1931 - Classical Weekly 25:182.
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    Beyond Nuclear Deterrence: the concept of a retributive policy.David B. Myers - 1987 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (2):135-153.
    ABSTRACT The primary aim of the paper is to apply the concept of retribution to nuclear defence policy. Nuclear defence policy, as I conceive it, is concerned with addressing the threat Soviet nuclear weapons pose for Western security. I argue that, contrary to popular opinion, MAD is not a retributive doctrine—that in fact it violates two constitutive principles of retribution: culpability and proportionality. After explicating these constitutive principles, I apply them to retaliatory strategy—showing that the culpability criterion restricts retaliation to (...)
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    Fostering Creativity in Philosophy.David B. Annis - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (1&2):95-106.
    The American Philosophical Association suggests that studying philosophy can have an important impact on one's creative thinking ability. This paper abstracts from the empirical research on creativity a reasonable model of creative thinking, and discusses what the account implies about fostering creative thinking in philosophy courses. Given the empirical research on creativity and the nature of philosophy, studying philosophy can have an important impact on one's creative thinking ability, but faculty need to focus on it in their courses.
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    Contents.David B. Haley - 1997 - In Rethinking Identity and Metaphysics: On the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy. Yale University Press.
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    5 Confusing Concepts and Objects in Identity Statements.David B. Haley - 1997 - In Rethinking Identity and Metaphysics: On the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy. Yale University Press. pp. 31-42.
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    Conceptual implications of kinship terminological systems: Special problems and multiple analytic approaches.David B. Kronenfeld - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (5):390-390.
    I raise issues concerning Jones' Seneca analysis, its relationship to analyses of Dravidian-, Crow-, and Omaha-type systems. These affect the convincingness of his kinship study, and thus the wider conclusions that he wants to draw regarding human cognition and language.
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  33. Minimizing turnaround time for test data processing.David B. Glaeser - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 7.
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    Swedenborg and Osteopathy: The Influence of Emanuel Swedenborg on the Genesis and Development of Osteopathy, Specifically Andrew Taylor Still and William Garner Sutherland.David B. Fuller - 2012 - Swedenborg Scientific Association Press.
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    The paradox of teleological ascription.David B. Hausman - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (2):144-157.
  36. On the Dialectic of the Consuming Subject in Space.David B. Clarke - 1995 - School of Geography, University of Leeds.
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    Notes.David B. Haley - 1997 - In Rethinking Identity and Metaphysics: On the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy. Yale University Press. pp. 153-158.
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    8 Russell on the Origins of the Set-theoretical Paradoxes.David B. Haley - 1997 - In Rethinking Identity and Metaphysics: On the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy. Yale University Press. pp. 73-90.
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    Catullus 44: The Vulnerability of Wanting to Be Included.David B. George - 1991 - American Journal of Philology 112 (2).
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  40. Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race.David B. Wilkins, Kwame Anthony Appiah & Amy Gutmann - 1996 - Princeton University Press.
    In America today, the problem of achieving racial justice--whether through "color-blind" policies or through affirmative action--provokes more noisy name-calling than fruitful deliberation. In Color Conscious, K. Anthony Appiah and Amy Gutmann, two eminent moral and political philosophers, seek to clear the ground for a discussion of the place of race in politics and in our moral lives. Provocative and insightful, their essays tackle different aspects of the question of racial justice; together they provide a compelling response to our nation's most (...)
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  41. World Christian Encyclopaedia: A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World A.D. 1900-2000.David B. Barrett - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (3):510-511.
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    History Is Eaten Whole: Consuming Tropes in Sesotho Auriture.David B. Coplan - 1993 - History and Theory 32 (4):80-104.
    For some time, historians and anthropologists have been collaborating on the excavation of Africa's history through the analysis of transcriptions of unwritten sources. A major obstacle has been the forms, the generic structures of African historical discourse, which constitute a style of historiography culturally contrasting with our own. This paper examines two central vehicles of this historiography: the temporal, situational, and generic elaboration of historical "master metaphors," and the performative contexts and processes in which they are necessarily expressed. Here, the (...)
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  43.  17
    Evolutionary inference from genomic data.David B. Goldstein & Paul H. Harvey - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (2):148-156.
    The rapid accumulation of gene sequence data is allowing evolutionary inferences of unprecedented resolution. In the area of population genetics, gene trees and polymorphism data are being used to study demographic parameters. In the area of comparative biology, the shapes of phylogenetic trees provide information about patterns of speciation, coevolution, and macroevolution. A variety of statistical methods have been developed for exploiting the information contained within organismal genomes. In this paper, we emphasise the conceptual bases of the tests, rather than (...)
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    Marx's Concept of Truth: A Kantian Interpretation.David B. Myers - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):315 - 326.
    It would be misleading to make any reference to Marx's “theory” of truth-for nowhere in the corpus of Marx's writings will one find an essay dealing with truth in a thematic way. Marx's scattered remarks on truth occur within the context of discussions of social questions. What one can pull together on the topic of truth amounts at most to the sketch of a concept which applies to social knowledge and not knowledge in general. My aim will be to reconstruct (...)
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  45.  32
    Environmental Health Ethics.David B. Resnik - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Environmental Health Ethics illuminates the conflicts between protecting the environment and promoting human health. In this study, David B. Resnik develops a method for making ethical decisions on environmental health issues. He applies this method to various issues, including pesticide use, antibiotic resistance, nutrition policy, vegetarianism, urban development, occupational safety, disaster preparedness and global climate change. Resnik provides readers with the scientific and technical background necessary to understand these issues. He explains that environmental health controversies cannot simply be reduced (...)
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  46.  26
    Illness and Culture in the Postmodern Age.David B. Morris - 1998 - Univ of California Press.
    We become ill in ways our parents and grandparents did not, with diseases unheard of and treatments undreamed of generations ago. This text tells the story of the modern experience of illness, linking ideas of illness, health, and postmodernism.
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    William Heytesbury and the Conditions for Knowledge.David B. Martens - 2010 - Theoria 76 (4):355-374.
    Ivan Boh affirms and Robert Pasnau denies that William Heytesbury holds merely true belief to be sufficient for knowledge in the broad sense. I argue that Boh is correct and Pasnau is mistaken, and that there is a long-running orthodox medieval tradition agreeing with Heytesbury about the conditions for knowledge. I offer a hypothesis about the origins, continuance and demise of that medieval tradition, and some remarks about the tradition's significance.
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    Bibliography and Index of Mainland Southeast Asian Languages and Linguistics.David B. Solnit & Franklin E. Huffman - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):496.
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    Kant and the Closure of the Epoch of the Metaphysics of Presence.David B. Cornay - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):39-71.
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    Closing loopholes in the federal research regulations: Some practical problems.David B. Resnik - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):6 – 8.
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